About Us

As a faith-based family philanthropic organisation, we focus our giving based on our beliefs and our experiences.

Our mission is seeding, cultivating, and harvesting the capacity of individuals, communities and enterprises to enable sustainable social transformation.


In doing so…

  • We plant the seeds of change and seek future sustainability from our charitable investment

  • We nurture the faith of individuals and groups of people to be effective agents of positive social change

  • We partner with organizations and enterprises championing faith, educational, service and entrepreneurial initiatives that reshape their social environment

  • We serve as a catalyst for empowering individuals, communities, and enterprises through leveraged investments in dynamic capacity building

“The act of giving was modelled to us by our parents and other family members. It is intimately tied to the notion of stewardship: something we try to carry out and carry on to our future generations. The seeds have been and continue to be sown. We eagerly wait to witness the harvest that our actions will yield, for generations to come.”

— Roy Chen, Co-founder of Seeds Foundation